Bike Trip 2000

27 May 2000

The next morning was a Saturday. I got up around 7am and headed over to visit the Webers. They weren't up yet so I wandered around the Park for a while trying to to stay warm and dry off! A couple of times I went to the Camp Restrooms and used the hot-air dryers. After what seemed like forever, the Webers got up and we met for the first time. I thanked them profusely for their hospitality and didn't bother mentioning my less than dry night! We had breakfast and a wonderful, all-to-brief time together. I leadned that Mr Weber was a salesman for Select Comfort and he actually managed to sell me over to his product sight unseen (if I ever buy a bed, that is!). We talked about the Travel Trailers and the culture surrounding them and life on the road. While waiting for them to get up, I had nothing to do but wander around the park looking at all of the travel trailers and RVs and think about that lifestyle. It kind of opened my mind to the possibilities and planted a bit of a seed of desire for that someday. He shared with me about his mother who was quite elderly yet still was a die hard long distance bike traveler and I felt a certain kinship with his family.

Finally I reluctantly left around 10:30 to continue my northward journey. Ten minutes or so into the ride, I found a phone and called my parents but they weren't home.

About 1:30pm I arrived in Janesville and entered into the warmth of Connie P's hospitality. Nobody was even home because of a family reunion but Connie's welcoming spirit was evident nonetheless. I tried calling my parents again at 2:20 with no success so after showering and throwing my clothes into the dryer, I rode over to the reunion and joined everyone for dinner and got to meet Suzie's extended family.

That night I slept beautifully in (I think) Suzie's old room and actually used a bed!

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